Families and individuals living on a low income have never faced a rental market as unaffordable as it is today.
The latest Rental Affordability Snapshot by Anglicare shows that of 74,266homes available for rent across Australia,
- None were affordable for a person on Youth Allowance
- 3 were affordable for a person on the JobSeeker payment
- 0.5% were affordable for a retiree on the Age Pension
- 0.3% were affordable for a single parent on the Parenting Payment
Housing affordability in regional areas has also plummeted, as people moved from the city to country, taking advantage of flexible working arrangements.
While some are celebrating booming property prices, thousands more are facing desperation and hardship, unable to find a home that they can afford.
A structural overhaul of our housing market is urgent. State and Federal governments must work together to ensure all of us, especially people facing disadvantage, have a safe and affordable home.