We are delighted to announce that Asian Women at Work is the recipient of the inaugural McQuoin Award
The McQuoin Award recognises an outstanding organisation with a notable record of work that has brought about change in the systems and structures that impoverish and disempower people. The Mercy Foundation Board is delighted to announce that Asian Women at Work is the recipient of the inaugural McQuoin Award.
The Mercy Foundation Board applauds Asian Women at Work’s significant contribution to bringing about fairer working conditions for migrant women over many years. The award recognises the advocacy, education and leadership of Asian Women at Work, returning dignity and restoring the rights of migrant women working in low paid and precarious employment.
In 1993, the Mercy Foundation provided seed-funding to help establish Asian Women at Work to address the exploitation of Asian migrant women working in low paid employment. Asian Women at Work, through many years of community organisation, representation to policy makers, unions, manufacturers and retailers, brought about significant structural change that resulted in fairer working conditions for outworkers in the textile and clothing industry.
Asian Women at Work continues to empower Asian migrant women to realise their rights and improve their lives, ending exploitation in the workplace and home.
Congratulations to the Asian Women at Work team for your achievement, your continued hard work over many years and your significant contribution to social justice.
Sadly, Lina Cabaero-Ponnambalam, the co-ordinator of Asian Women at Work, passed away in August 2021. Lina was relentless in her pursuit of justice for migrant women in low paid and precarious employment. Lina was an ardent activist and worked closely with the union movement to bring about fairer working conditions and a better life for hundreds of migrant women. Lina is greatly missed.
The Mercy Foundation Board established the McQuoin Award to acknowledge the Foundation’s 30th anniversary. The prize includes $20,000 and engraved platter.