Home Truths Webinar

Thursday 10 October from 9.30am

Women from migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds can encounter significant challenges when seeking a safe and stable home in Australia. Some women experience family violence, exploitation, forced marriage and homelessness. These traumatic experiences impact on physical and mental health, wellbeing and hope for the future.

At the Home Truths webinar, we will discuss the challenges and barriers women face and the effective solutions and interventions that enable women to achieve independence and escape cycles of violence, exploitation and homelessness.

The webinar is on Thursday, 10 October from 9.30am and will run for an hour.

We will also launch the Mercy Foundation’s Grants to End Homelessness program for 2025.

Guest speakers include:

  • Cecilie Kern, Mercy International Association, NGO Representative to the UN,  Chair NGO Committee on Migration. Cecilie will speak the state of affairs of migration and homelessness issues at the United Nations and Mercy advocacy efforts.
  • Dr. Jessie Hohmann, Professor in Law, University of Technology Sydney and Right to Housing expert.
  • Maeve Brown, CEO of Western Sydney Migrant Resource Centre in conversation with:
  • Magdalene Konneh, Lived Experience Expert and SGBV Specialist Caseworker, JRS.
  • Helena Hassani, Modern Slavery Lead at the Mercy Foundation, who will speak about family violence, forced marriage and homelessness.
  • Sunila Kotwal: Executive Officer, Immigrant Women SpeakOut Association. Sunila will speak about successful interventions and solutions to enable women to gain independence and end their homelessness.