
Get well informed about housing and homelessness

Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) – commissions academic research in Australia on housing and homelessness issues and solutions.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) – Australian Government Institute that collects and collates statistics and information on a wide range of government programs, including housing and homelessness services.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) – at each 5 year Australian census, the ABS collects statistics on homelessness. It also regularly collects and provides useful statistics on housing.

Parity – is the only Australian national journal on homelessness. It is a monthly publication, produced by the Council to Homeless Person in Victoria

National Organisations on Housing/Homelessness in Australia

Australian Alliance to End Homelessness

Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS) is national advocate for action to reduce poverty and inequality and the peak body for the community services sector in Australia

National Shelter is a non-government peak organisation that aims to improve housing access, affordability, appropriateness, safety and security for people on low incomes.

Homelessness Australia is the peak body for homelessness services.

International Organisations on Housing/Homelessness

Institute for Global Homelessness

National Alliance to End Homelessness (USA)

Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness

FEANTSA – is the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless.